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  • He pushed in the glass swingdoor and entered, stepping over strewn packing paper.

    Ulysses 2003

  • He trod the worn steps, pushed the swingdoor and entered softly by the rere.

    Ulysses 2003

  • No one wants to see the inner economy of the butler's pantry, nor should the perhaps fragrant but cloying odors of the kitchen be wafted into the dining room whenever the swingdoor of the pantry opens or closes.

    How to Prepare and Serve a Meal; and Interior Decoration Lillian B. Lansdown

  • He pushed in the glass swingdoor and entered, stepping over strewn packing paper.

    Ulysses James Joyce 1911

  • He trod the worn steps, pushed the swingdoor and entered softly by the rere.

    Ulysses James Joyce 1911


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