
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Alternative spelling of tank top.


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  • As a large breasted woman, I can assure you that she was not just hanging out in a tanktop.

    Meghan McCain's cups runneth over on Twitter: Thanks for the mammaries! | 2009

  • For some reason, I can always justify buying another tanktop because I can always "wear in under something."

    Walk-in closet? Yes please!! Jill 2010

  • First of all, I don't know how to live without a black ribbed tanktop.

    one of those days.... jen 2008

  • I bought some cute wine signs, a Cape Cod glittery tanktop, and souvenirs for my friends.

    Archive 2010-06-01 Jill 2010

  • First of all, I don't know how to live without a black ribbed tanktop.

    Archive 2008-03-01 jen 2008

  • Black hair hanging straight as a curtain to her bare shoulders, straps of her bra visible under a tanktop the color of a lime lollipop.

    Arturo + Lourdes, 2005 and 4ever 2010

  • We all remember the jackbooted thugs, the zombified drones in their gray pajamas, the slo-mo Olympian in a tanktop hurling a hammer at the giant TV.

    Love Freedom? Kill Your iPad Aaron Gell 2010

  • I bought some cute wine signs, a Cape Cod glittery tanktop, and souvenirs for my friends.

    My Trip to Cape Cod!!! Jill 2010

  • He saw Mallory standing in the doorway, inclined against the frame, wearing an unmemorable white tanktop, her dark brown hair fizzy and everywhere, and as a whole looking undefined by brands and stunningly herself.

    misshaped planet 2010

  • For some reason, I can always justify buying another tanktop because I can always "wear in under something."

    Archive 2010-04-01 Jill 2010


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