
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Islam a Sufi method of discipline, meditation and mystical insight, or a religious order based on this.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Arabic طريقة‎ (ṭarīqa, "path")


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  • Sufi parties have been active in Turkey, and it was the Senussi tariqa in Libya that led resistance to Italian occupation before Moammar Gadhafi overthrew its leader, King Idris I, in 1969.

    Parties in Egypt Seek New Weapon Matt Bradley 2011

  • "This is proof that Islamists are enemies to humanity," said Sheikh Alaa Abu al Azayem, the leader of the Azmeya tariqa, which he says is the largest of the Sufi groupings in Egypt.

    Parties in Egypt Seek New Weapon Matt Bradley 2011

  • Sheikh al Azayam, who boasts that his was the only Sufi tariqa that publicly opposed Mr. Mubarak's rule, said he has instructed his hundreds of thousands of adherents to join the Egyptian Tahrir Party.

    Parties in Egypt Seek New Weapon Matt Bradley 2011

  • Many Africans are Sufis, a broad and sometimes syncretic form of the faith patterned by relationships between brotherhoods, or tariqa.

    One Nation, Under Gods 2008

  • Many Africans are Sufis, a broad and sometimes syncretic form of the faith patterned by relationships between brotherhoods, or tariqa.

    One Nation, Under Gods 2008

  • Bahjat al-‘Arifeen not only served as a lamp for expounding the Shari’a (the Islamic laws), but also as a master for guiding towards the tariqa (the path) which leads to the haqiqa (the Ultimate Reality).


  • Bahjat al-‘Arifeen not only served as a lamp for expounding the Shari’a (the Islamic laws), but also as a master for guiding towards the tariqa (the path) which leads to the haqiqa (the Ultimate Reality).

    Archive 2009-05-01 2009

  • The site was/is? also sacred to the Sufis - a "heretic" sect of Islam who worshipped the goddess principle in all creation: The term tekke convent applies to a building designed specifically for gatherings of a Sufi brotherhood, or tariqa, and may have referred to an earlier feature of the location.

    Archive 2008-03-01 Jan 2008

  • They call it tariqa, "the path," a system of esoteric "spiritual experience" that has, at various times, enraged more orthodox Muslims even as it has enticed non-Muslim outsiders attracted to its rarefied mystical techniques.

    The Real Sufism 2007

  • Simon Broughton, who also edits a world music magazine, told me there are some fifteen main Sufi brotherhoods in Morocco, each with its own tariqa, or “way.”

    A House in Fez SUZANNA CLARKE 2007


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