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  • Tarwater (who's website www. isn't up yet) hail from Germany, where they spent several years cranking out records for Kitty-Yo.

    Music (For Robots): March 2005 Archives 2005

  • Tarwater (who's website www. isn't up yet) hail from Germany, where they spent several years cranking out records for Kitty-Yo.

    It's A Brand New Day (Music (For Robots)) 2005

  • March 02, 2005 15: 10 darren: ditto above, tarwater are one of my favorites ... glad to hear there's new stuff on the way. thanks!

    It's A Brand New Day (Music (For Robots)) 2005

  • Royal Society from Portsmouth, to the effect that a sailor had broken his leg in a fall from the mast-head; that bandages and a plentiful application of tarwater had made him, in three days, able to use his leg as well as ever.

    A Budget of Paradoxes, Volume I (of II) Augustus De Morgan 1838

  • While this communication was under grave discussion -- it must be remembered that many then thought tarwater had extraordinary remedial properties -- the joker contrived that a second letter should be delivered, which stated that the writer had forgotten, in his previous communication, to mention that the leg was a wooden leg!

    A Budget of Paradoxes, Volume I (of II) Augustus De Morgan 1838


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