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  • A fun teambased multiplayer FPS for the general gamer and will not be another Wolfenstein:

    Splash Damage 2010

  • You promote progress in the genre, not cold hearted, jaded 26 y / o gamers like me who have played everything all the way back to Everquest and TELNET MUDs and see MMORPG's as simple graphical and teambased GUI for old MUDs. ...

    Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz 2008

  • Self-managing teams produce impressive results, but they come with a set of conditions necessary for their success: higher-level management must be a positive model of teamwork, practicing techniques such as participative management, consensus decisionmaking, and empowerment of employees; top management must be committed to a long-term implementation plan to ensure that self-management becomes part of the organizational culture; resources must be dedicated to ensure sufficient training and technical assistance; and personnel and other systems must be adapted to encourage teambased awards and peer input into performance appraisals.

    Npr Report Transforming Organizational Structures Pt ITY National Archives 1994

  • Self-managing teams produce impressive results, but they come with a set of conditions necessary for their success: higher-level management must be a positive model of teamwork, practicing techniques such as participative management, consensus decisionmaking, and empowerment of employees; top management must be committed to a long-term implementation plan to ensure that self-management becomes part of the organizational culture; resources must be dedicated to ensure sufficient training and technical assistance; and personnel and other systems must be adapted to encourage teambased awards and peer input into performance appraisals.

    Npr Report On Transforming Organizational Structures Part ITY National Archives 1993


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