
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb Simple past tense and past participle of tear-gas.


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  • According to McGovern, Bahrain recently denied entry to several human rights monitors and on Monday, police tear-gassed mourners attending a funeral for a teenager who died in police custody.

    Renee Parsons: Bahrain Arms Sale Challenges Congress Renee Parsons 2012

  • The Occupy Wall Street demonstrators most likely at some point will be cleared out, tear-gassed, and clubbed into relinquishing their liberated territory as was the case with the Bonus Army of veterans that occupied Washington in 1932.

    Joseph A. Palermo: The Big Banks Lose Control of the Optics Joseph A. Palermo 2011

  • On Wednesday, Mr. Erdogan appeared to blame the BDP for another attack on his convoy, this time by rock-throwing protesters on Tuesday, in which one of his security team was injured and a protester died of a heart attack while being tear-gassed.

    Turkish Leader Courts Kurds Before Key Vote Marc Champion 2011

  • The Occupy Wall Street demonstrators most likely at some point will be cleared out, tear-gassed, and clubbed into relinquishing their liberated territory as was the case with the Bonus Army of veterans that occupied Washington in 1932.

    Joseph A. Palermo: The Big Banks Lose Control of the Optics Joseph A. Palermo 2011

  • The big banks can crash the economy and commit crimes and are offered modest "settlements," but when people show up to complain they are beaten, maced, tear-gassed and arrested.

    Dave Johnson: Why You Should Attend An Occupy Meeting Dave Johnson 2011

  • The police tear-gassed the students, who responded by shouting and throwing objects at them.

    Global Voices in English » Puerto Rico: “Such is Life” 2009

  • Uganda's veteran opposition leader Kizza Besigye, President Yoweri Museveni's main challenger during the disputed Feb. 18 election, has been beaten, tear-gassed and pepper-sprayed on several occasions during the protests.

    Uganda Police Arrest Opposition Leader Nicholas Bariyo 2011

  • On Wednesday, Mr. Erdogan appeared to blame the BDP for another attack on his convoy, this time by rock-throwing protesters on Tuesday, in which one of his security team was injured and a protester died of a heart attack while being tear-gassed.

    Turkish Leader Courts Kurds Before Key Vote Marc Champion 2011

  • Police forces tear-gassed and assaulted members of the community, most of them immigrants from the Dominican Republic.

    Global Voices in English » Puerto Rico: The Battle Over Public Lands 2009

  • According to McGovern, Bahrain recently denied entry to several human rights monitors and on Monday, police tear-gassed mourners attending a funeral for a teenager who died in police custody.

    Renee Parsons: Bahrain Arms Sale Challenges Congress Renee Parsons 2012


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