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  • We are itching to get down to Louisiana to meet the pretty "tefe" - cajun french for little girl!

    Congrats to the Lomans as they welcome -- Anna Grace! b is for brown 2008

  • We are itching to get down to Louisiana to meet the pretty "tefe" - cajun french for little girl!

    Archive 2008-07-01 b is for brown 2008

  • Come, I can - og, and fay, thou art this and that, like a-many tefe lifpihg hawthorn-buds, that come like women en's apparel, and fmell like Bucklers-bury in fim - time; i cannot: but 1 love thee, none but thee: hou deferveft it* rs.

    Works 1795

  • Patris autem cenfurc iblutus, vitiis omnibus tefe addixit» luxunae praelertim, et ignattini* mae ncgiigentiae.

    Lexicon vniversae rei nvmariae vetervm et praecipve Graecorvm ac Romanorvm: cvm observationibvs ... Johann Christoph Rasche 1785

  • Suffer me to recommead thofe of patient, left virtuous, and tefe perlVveriug, this this description, belonging to your State, to the that which I have had the honour to command. warmeft patronage of your excellency and your But while I mention thofe things which arc note mgiflature. rioufr faclty as the defects of our federal amfti -

    The British Magazine and Review, Or, Universal Miscellany 1783

  • LERiNAGE DE LA ViE HuMAiNE, Is dedicated to Jean queen of Sicily, above mentioned; a duchefs of Anjou and a coun - tefe of Provence: who, without any fort of difficulty, could make a tranfition from the Life of fir Lancelot to that of faint Auftin, and who ibmetimes quitted the tribunal of the Court of Love to confer with learned ecclefiaflics, in an age when gallantry and religion were of equal importance.

    The History of English Poetry: From the Close of the Eleventh to the ... 1778


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