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  • I grew up in South Louisiana, lived through three hurricanes, spent my childhood in New Orleans (just a few blocks from Fats Domino's house) and a tencent bus ride into downtown, the Port-O-Call (I was supposed to be attending my first year of college), and Bourbon Street.

    Are You Experienced? 2008

  • Now, China … Where is QQ (tencent) in the stats?!?!?!

    Instant Messaging and Trashing Google Michael Arrington 2005

  • The boy put his in it, each looked into the other’s face, and on neither was there a place big enough to put a tencent piece that was not wreathed in smiles.

    The President and the Boy 1921

  • For the “upper ten, ” the young financiers who early take the lead among their fellows, hire them to work for wages and add a share of their profits to their own, and for the lads who are learning a trade and getting paid by the week, there are tencent beds with a locker and with curtains hung about.

    XVII. The Street Arab 1890

  • Alexa statistics show that 43. 24% visitors come from qq. com, 13. 87% visitors come from paipai. com (qq. com and paipai. com are also owned by tencent company).

    Chinalyst - China blogs in English 2010

  • I also got a chance to talk to the guys from tencent.

    Sun Bloggers 2009

  • Clearly there is a need for something like this in China, I wonder if they will be successful in blocking its use (RIAA style) or either come up with a solution that targets directly the underlying need or try to work with tencent to make it work better in it’s new role as credit substitute. blog comments powered by Disqus

    China’s new currency.. online : #comments 2007

  • We're goin 'to have a reg'lar good time, none of your tencent parties, - an'. you can go home now. "

    A District Messenger Boy and a Necktie Party James Otis 1880

  • But if your business takes you to other parts of the world, or you have to connect with colleagues and customers in other markets, it's important to remember that a multititude of smaller social networks have not only been established, they've attracted huge numbers of users. acquired by AOL last year for $850 million) or Friendster (an early tencent.

    PC World 2009


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