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  • She gave me a colorfully printed silk bag packed with a fan, a (dancing) tenugui, or scarf, a fresh pair of tabi (fitted white cotton socks) wrapped in silk covers that she had sewn herself, a toy, and a snack.

    Geisha, A Life Mineko Iwasaki with Rande Brown 2002

  • She gave me a colorfully printed silk bag packed with a fan, a (dancing) tenugui, or scarf, a fresh pair of tabi (fitted white cotton socks) wrapped in silk covers that she had sewn herself, a toy, and a snack.

    Geisha, A Life Mineko Iwasaki with Rande Brown 2002

  • Here's a great Japanese hand towel (tenugui) featuring traditional print for your home.

    Recently updated products at 2010

  • Here's a great Japanese hand towel (tenugui) featuring traditional print for your home.

    Recently updated products at 2010

  • Here's a great Japanese hand towel (tenugui) featuring traditional print for your home.

    Recently updated products at 2010

  • The tenugui — or hand towels — are beautiful enough to display as wall hangings, and you can buy bamboo hangers designed for that purpose.

    36 Hours in Tokyo By 2023


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