
from The Century Dictionary.

  • Being in the earth; belonging to the earth, or occurring beneath the surface of the earth.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Earthly, relating to the earth.


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  • This alfo refembles the Nile in the numhcr of its mouths, all iffuing into a fea, that may be compared to the Medi - terranean, which is bounded on the north and fouth bv the two conti - nenls of Europe and Africa, as the Mexican Bay is by North and Soutl America.

    An historical, geographical, commercial, and philosophical view of the American United States Winterbotham, William, 1763-1829. [from old catalog] 1795

  • However, I must tell you that this: Everyone lives in sub-terranean caverns

    the hits just keep on comin' 2005

  • However, I must tell you that this:Everyone lives in sub-terranean caverns

    Archive 2005-08-01 2005

  • Chestal Thicketsway was right behind the dwarf, fol - lowed by a whining, complaining, voiceless voice that seemed to object fiercely to being dragged through sub - terranean places.

    The Gates of Thorbardin Parkinson, Dan 1990

  • Chestal Thicketsway was right behind the dwarf, fol - lowed by a whining, complaining, voiceless voice that seemed to object fiercely to being dragged through sub - terranean places.

    The Gates of Thorbardin Parkinson, Dan 1990

  • Chestal Thicketsway was right behind the dwarf, fol - lowed by a whining, complaining, voiceless voice that seemed to object fiercely to being dragged through sub - terranean places.

    The Gates of Thorbardin Parkinson, Dan 1990

  • Trade and industrial production increased again, and the Medi - terranean, which in 972 “like the Baltic, was a hostile sea,” saw important developments which brought


  • Of Isis and Osiris will show, a multiplicity of Medi - terranean religions had grown up, yielding an unre - strained exchange of figures between variant faiths, each one providing the materials for iconography within the framework of some other faith.

    Dictionary of the History of Ideas ANGUS FLETCHER 1968

  • It lies in the eastern end of the Medi terranean Sea, 60 Miles west of Syria, 40 miles south of Turkey and about 600 miles south east of Athens.

    Cyprus—1966! 1966

  • Every - where — in the peninsula itself, in Africa, in the Medi - terranean and in America — Spain's enemy seemed to be the infidel and the championship of orthodoxy had become a major part of the national tradition.



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