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  • ON a dark afternoon in January 1999, with the wind chill factor down to minus ten and snow rushing around outside the thirtyeighth floor of the United Nations headquarters in New York, the secretary general, Kofi Annan, could be forgiven for feeling beleaguered.

    DELIVER US FROM EVIL William Shawcross 2000

  • It was a commentary on the atmosphere of fear at the UN under Boutros-Ghali that some officials even began to refer to his efficient Haitian chief of staff as his “Tonton Macoute of the thirtyeighth floor.”

    DELIVER US FROM EVIL William Shawcross 2000

  • ON a dark afternoon in January 1999, with the wind chill factor down to minus ten and snow rushing around outside the thirtyeighth floor of the United Nations headquarters in New York, the secretary general, Kofi Annan, could be forgiven for feeling beleaguered.

    DELIVER US FROM EVIL William Shawcross 2000

  • It was a commentary on the atmosphere of fear at the UN under Boutros-Ghali that some officials even began to refer to his efficient Haitian chief of staff as his “Tonton Macoute of the thirtyeighth floor.”

    DELIVER US FROM EVIL William Shawcross 2000


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