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  • Lee paused to take a sip of water from the glass on the threelegged table.

    The Girls He Adored Jonathan Nasaw 2001

  • Lee paused to take a sip of water from the glass on the threelegged table.

    The Girls He Adored Jonathan Nasaw 2001

  • Lee paused to take a sip of water from the glass on the threelegged table.

    The Girls He Adored Jonathan Nasaw 2001

  • A section of floor slid away under one hoof, but his threelegged stance held him up and let him move on without a pause where a human would have stumbled and fell.

    Villains by Necessity Forward, Eve 1995

  • Oh the folly of human nature trying to make a threelegged stool stand on two legs!

    The Supreme Appeal 1927

  • These owners of the two most appreciative throats in the neighbourhood, within the pale of respectability, were now sitting face to face over a threelegged circular table, having an iron rim to keep cups and pots from being accidentally elbowed off; they might have been said to resemble the setting sun and the full moon shining VIS-A-VIS across the globe.

    Far from the Madding Crowd 1874

  • "Those particular pictures were taken at a family picnic, after she'd just finished participating in a threelegged race.

    Galaxy Jane Goulart, Ron, 1933- 1986


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