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  • Of course I could dream up any number of material would-have-been-nice-to-haves at the timea saddle that I didn’t have to buy myself, for examplebut they have long since ceased to count.

    Robyn Scott - An interview with author 2010

  • He has proven he can rough it out when timea are tough and can ride the wave when things are good.

    Rep. Hill backing Obama 2008

  • She has opened the door and let love in at least four timea.

    "Someone's knocking at the door. Somebody's ringing the bell. Do me a favor. Open the door. Let 'em in. Ann Althouse 2009

  • And then of course they needed to follow their advice with consequences: if Ian didnt learn how to do this, he might well lose the friendship a bit of life wisdom, and they certainly would schedule no more play dates with this boy for a long timea cooling-off period.

    Childhood Unbound Ron Taffel 2009

  • Take your timea lot is riding on your answer, whether you know it or not.

    Dog on It Spencer Quinn 2009

  • Take your timea lot is riding on your answer, whether you know it or not.

    Dog on It Spencer Quinn 2009

  • Take your timea lot is riding on your answer, whether you know it or not.

    Dog on It Spencer Quinn 2009

  • Competing in the 1,600 meters, he musters little focus, jogs instead of racing, almost stops at different points, gets lapped, and finishes with a 9-minute timea much slower pace than hes run in longer races.

    Young Runners Marc Bloom 2009

  • And then of course they needed to follow their advice with consequences: if Ian didnt learn how to do this, he might well lose the friendship a bit of life wisdom, and they certainly would schedule no more play dates with this boy for a long timea cooling-off period.

    Childhood Unbound Ron Taffel 2009

  • Famed feminist Gloria Steinem states, "This isn't the first timea boss has picked an unqualified woman just because she agrees with him and opposes everything most other women want and need."

    The vet who did not vet 2008


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