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  • As nice as it is to keep in touch with friends (or "friends") and look at photos from bar night, constantly hearing about the timekilling habits of others can be downright boring. News 2010

  • From the back of the venue it struck me more as timekilling whatever and so I patiently waited it out.

    Ned Raggett Ponders It All Ned Raggett 2010

  • From the back of the venue it struck me more as timekilling whatever and so I patiently waited it out.

    Ned Raggett Ponders It All 2010

  • (consider the timekilling dispatch of the mobster by Oddjob via the crushing of the car in the junkyard - it's about five times as long what an equivalent would be these days, and the banality of some of its components set aside overuse of John Barry at his most bombastic is unintentionally comical).

    Ned Raggett Ponders It All 2008


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