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  • WhatI feel is happening is they are taking timesensitive information about a specific marketanddisplaying it ina optimal way which is a sort ofa feed/blog.

    2006 August « The Paradigm Shift 2006

  • WhatI feel is happening is they are taking timesensitive information about a specific marketanddisplaying it ina optimal way which is a sort ofa feed/blog.

    The old yet new again publishing paradigm. « The Paradigm Shift 2006

  • Given the timesensitive nature of the legislative process and the fact that policy clearance is not needed, the number of levels of clearance should be very limited.

    Npr Monograph 7 Regulatory Systems Part C ITY National Archives 1994

  • Given the timesensitive nature of the legislative process and the fact that policy clearance is not needed, the number of levels of clearance should be very limited.

    Npr Monograph 7 On Regulatory Systems Part A ITY National Archives 1993

  • USC-55 commander's tactical terminal (CTT) is a multiservice-developed, special application, UHF satellite communications receiver that can be dedicated to receive critical, timesensitive intelligence by commanders and intelligence centers at all echelons, in near-real-time, at GENSER or SCI levels.

    Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en] 2009

  • The AN / USC-55 commander's tactical terminal (CTT) is a multiservice-developed, special application, UHF satellite communications receiver that can be dedicated to receive critical, timesensitive intelligence by commanders and intelligence centers at all echelons, in near-real-time, at GENSER or SCI levels.

    Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en] 2009

  • USC-55 commander's tactical terminal (CTT) is a multiservice-developed, special application, UHF satellite communications receiver that can be dedicated to receive critical, timesensitive intelligence by commanders and intelligence centers at all echelons, in near-real-time, at GENSER or SCI levels.

    Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en] 2009


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