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  • Â I had some tissuepaper with a toile design on it, so I tore a sheet off and pasted it on.

    Kater’s Art » Blog Archive » 48 Birds #5 Darling Sparrow 2009

  • Â I had some tissuepaper with a toile design on it, so I tore a sheet off and pasted it on.

    Kater’s Art » Blog Archive » 48 Birds #5 Darling Sparrow 2009

  • Even comb and tissuepaper you can knock a tune out of.

    Ulysses 2003

  • Even comb and tissuepaper you can knock a tune out of.

    Ulysses James Joyce 1911

  • A shade of mauve tissuepaper dims the light of the chandelier.

    Ulysses James Joyce 1911

  • In the outer office Wemmick offered me his congratulations, and incidentally rubbed the side of his nose with a folded piece of tissuepaper that I liked the look of.

    Great Expectations Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870 1861

  • She could have a big oak table where she’d cut out dress patterns, and she could use it to make some of those lovely tissuepaper flowers, in all colors.

    Surrender A Dream Jill Barnett 1991

  • She could have a big oak table where she’d cut out dress patterns, and she could use it to make some of those lovely tissuepaper flowers, in all colors.

    Surrender A Dream Jill Barnett 1991

  • She could have a big oak table where she’d cut out dress patterns, and she could use it to make some of those lovely tissuepaper flowers, in all colors.

    Surrender A Dream Jill Barnett 1991


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