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  • But better than the fancier (and more expensive) restaurant we went to las tnight (called Bird).

    Breakfast in Bed desayunoencama 2005

  • I called this morning for an appointment, and since I slept so poorly las tnight I was up bright and early and called when they opened, so was able to be seen today.

    Breakfast in Bed desayunoencama 2005

  • We went grocery shopping las tnight, too, and I stocked up on all sorts of things like pierogies and not-dogs and entenmann's crumb donuts and ....

    Breakfast in Bed desayunoencama 2004

  • The jet lag hits me at weird moments, even though I slept maybe 7 hours las tnight, not counting the two siestas, a sort of diziness/headache, although it passes quickly enough.

    Breakfast in Bed desayunoencama 2004

  • I've been fighting off a sore throat since las tnight, but it seems to be catching up despite all my efforts.

    Breakfast in Bed desayunoencama 2004

  • My Zoe (oldest cat) caught his first mouse las tnight.

    brile Diary Entry brile 2001

  • Tmac welcome back, hope to see you out there tnight against denver.

    Yahoo! Sports - Top News 2009

  • Japan Sumo Association begins random doping tests after series of drug-related scandals Wrestling adamgilder Cheers @thermalsatsuma I'm wrestling with it now. drebaxter waaup twitter nation its thursday night!!!!! which means im watching tna wrestling later tnight

    Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7 2009

  • And if this ftate fhould purfue plans of offenfive policy towards its neighbours, it tnight multiply beyond calculation its exigencies and dangers, and thus aggra - vate ftill more the difparity between its aftual and preceding fituation.

    Observations on the state of society Grant, Charles 1792

  • Policy and Valour feemed in him vveavcd together, to inake 'him both a great Politician, and a great Captain i and he tnight without doubt, liavc meri -

    Pharamond; or, The history of France. A fam'd romance in twelve parts; the whole work never before Englished; 1677


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