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  • ThePartyStar when you want another "tonguetwister" come on over by my place and you won't have to sleep in that old beat up VW toots.

    Original Signal - Transmitting Digg 2010

  • I see your woodchuck and raise you a groundhog, a tougher tonguetwister developed by my sister when she discovered that a woodchuck and a groundhog were the same thing.

    Brain Like a Lumpy Custard « Whatever 2007

  • Soif's chef tonguetwister of the week, Colin Westal, was previously head chef at the Café Anglais and his style is clearly influenced by Rowley Leigh's gutsiness.

    Evening Standard - Home David Sexton 2011

  • So on page 5 you get this tonguetwister: "While poverty decreased due to multiple factors, inequality remained high."

    Reason Magazine 2009


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