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  • Lots of frontiersmen, rootin 'tootin' Western fare, and plenty of good rollicking adventures, usually starring boys.

    Review of the Day: Jim Ugly fusenumber8 2006

  • Sam says that Hillary is a fear-warmongering rootin tootin vermin and will blow Iran to smithereens if elected.

    Last minute Clinton ad: 'What has happened to Barack Obama?' 2008

  • Sam says that Hillary is a rootin tootin fear and warmongering vermin and will blow Iran to smithereens if elected.

    Americans worried about price of gas 2008

  • A rootin 'tootin' bar-room broad as fond of cussin 'as she was of a beer and a good time.

    Saturday Morning Country: Patsy Cline 2009

  • We may only be down a couple %, but that's enough for THEIR media machine to start pumping up the Comeback Kid - John McCain - and his rootin 'tootin' sidekick - and their Band of Underdog Outsiders ....

    McCain Gets Convention Bounce In Latest Polls 2009

  • To Chad Love: Durn 'tootin' about Lonely are the Brave.

    Shane, Revisited 2007

  • A rootin 'tootin' bar-room broad as fond of cussin 'as she was of a beer and a good time.

    John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting... 2009

  • Alas, in rendering yourself as a gun-slinger, you neglected to engage the services of "rootin' tootin'" and thereby slighted a worthy adjective, one which already suffers from paucity of circulation, in modern vernacular.

    Now it's over 2009

  • A rootin 'tootin' character, Gunfighter Emerson thought he could simply order an end to racial tensions among his troops.

    Powell On The March 2008

  • They are undercutting their own message that she's a rootin' tootin' gun-totin' maverick from the wilds of Alaska who can shoot a wolf from an airplane and is ready to shake up Washington, but who in reality can't take the heat of Joe Biden's withering glare on a soundstage.

    Debating Points 2008


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