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  • $1$gLhU0 / $aW78kHK1QfV3P2b2znUoe / # password topsecret password {password in plain text} 2009

  • I've been using the DataContractJsonSerializer and found that if the class you're serializing has the [Serializable] tag then it will serialize the private members of the class, while if you don't have the tag then it will serialize the public members. private string _password = "topsecret" value;}}} public static class JSONSample {public static string Serialize () {Person p =

    ASP.NET Forums auschucky 2009

  • His Chantilly, Va., company won topsecret contracts with the CIA, Pentagon and National Security Agency to provide classified-communications hardware.

    Techno-Smuggling 2008

  • Thats a SECRET, someone call Bush and Cheney, this man is giving away topsecret info, the terrorists will KNOW the missiles are there and have weaknesses!!

    Think Progress » ThinkFast AM: June 27, 2006 2006

  • June 10th, 2006 at 1: 31 am freeman says: hey dont look now but the phone records of the independent press are being collected with national security letters seems like cheneys topsecret stamp cant work fast enough

    Think Progress » Public broadcasting under attack. 2006

  • Hired by companies to test their security systems (by breaking into them), these five guys with shady pasts are blackmailed by the National Security Agency into embarking on a high-risk, topsecret operation.

    The Games People Play 2008

  • On June 17, 1964, while the Warren commission was casting about for a possible motive for the assassination, Hoover sent a topsecret letter to commission counsel J.

    Staying Tuned Daniel Schorr 2001

  • On June 17, 1964, while the Warren commission was casting about for a possible motive for the assassination, Hoover sent a topsecret letter to commission counsel J.

    Staying Tuned Daniel Schorr 2001

  • Despite Hunt's topsecret job, she had always felt secure with him on many levels.

    A Man Of Honour Leonard, Tina 2001

  • On June 17, 1964, while the Warren commission was casting about for a possible motive for the assassination, Hoover sent a topsecret letter to commission counsel J.

    Staying Tuned Daniel Schorr 2001


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