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  • There was thunder and lightning, creeks sprouting alongside the pavement, a real torrente beside us, threatening to overflow its banks.

    The Italian Summer Roland Merullo 2009

  • There was thunder and lightning, creeks sprouting alongside the pavement, a real torrente beside us, threatening to overflow its banks.

    The Italian Summer Roland Merullo 2009

  • There was thunder and lightning, creeks sprouting alongside the pavement, a real torrente beside us, threatening to overflow its banks.

    The Italian Summer Roland Merullo 2009

  • There was thunder and lightning, creeks sprouting alongside the pavement, a real torrente beside us, threatening to overflow its banks.

    The Italian Summer Roland Merullo 2009

  • Pole ei roose ei tulpe che ti fan veglia dall'ombra dei fossi kes valvaksid sind sügavais varjudes ma sono mille papaveri rossi on vaid tuhanded punased moonid lungo le sponde del mio torrente

    tatsutahime Diary Entry tatsutahime 2008

  • El f¿¿til bosquejo de la carroza parece un sombrero silente como el sol de aquel mayo, como el fresco torrente que describe el refugio, como el canto infinito y de nuevo resuelto ......

    Angelina Jolie Uncensored!: Vanity Fair Fair, Vanity 2008

  • De torrente in via bibet: propterea exalta bit caput.

    The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book Various

  • I have based my narrative on the _Chronicle_ of Geoffrey le Baker as expounded by Sir E.M. Thompson, though I agree with Professor Oman in holding that Baker's "ampla profundaque vallis et mariscus, torrente quodam irriguus," must be the valley of the M.ausson.

    The History of England From the Accession of Henry III. to the Death of Edward III. (1216-1377) Reginald Lane Poole 1892

  • "Ne sarebbe" (says Muratori) "mai passato per mente a que 'buoni Alemanni, che quel picciolo torrente potesse, per cosi dire, in un instante cangiarsi in un terribil gigante."

    History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 3 Edward Gibbon 1765

  • Erasmo em fim taõ censurado e grande Gloria do clero, mas taõ bem vergonha A 'torrente sal vagem rezestihdo S30

    Poetica de Horatio, e o Ensaio sobre a critica de Alexandre Pope : em portuguez 1812


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