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  • A backdoor will open through which the attacker willinstall a program toturn onthe PC's webcam, begin stealing sensitive data and hide its tracks.

    Google-style cyberattack found on Chinese government site 2010

  • Then onSaturday, with complaints still rolling in, Google made it possibletoselectively revise its pre-designated list of followersand reduced the number of steps it takes toturn offBuzz.

    Google Buzz fuels rising privacy, security concerns 2010

  • I am disappointed that thereare so many in congress that hate the USA and want toturn it into a Euro piece of garbage. sorry Europe but your political system stinks.

    Procedure is Politics | RedState 2010

  • The medical/psychiatric establishment and the Congress have narrowly defined autism to their political advantage (i.e., to touch our hearts and open the public purse), but that definition also determines the boundaries of political and legislative awareness and responsiveness, and determines who will make a great dealof money in the near term, only toturn their backs on the problem in the long term.

    Re: Autism 2009

  • Massey, one of thenation's biggest coal companies, is infamous for violating pollution laws in its voracious quest toturn Appalachia's mountains into molehills.

    Rob Perks: Verizon Wireless Invites Backlash by Supporting Controversial Climate Denier Rally 2009

  • I had not beenworrying about the boat, but Tuna's introduction of the concept prompted me toturn toward him.

    Howell Raines' South Pacific Marlin Fishing Adventure 2006

  • She actually supported the Bridge to Nowhere before she felt enough political pressure toturn against it.

    I Admit it, Sarah Palin Makes Me Nervous 2008

  • But some of us (and here I would call them liberals if you wish) think more, have deeper concerns and try to know where to stop and where maybe even toturn back.

    What Do Liberals Believe? 2008

  • Seoul - North Korea on Saturday said it would destroy loudspeakers spreading South Korean propaganda and threatened toturn the capital Seoul into a

    The Earth Times Online Newspaper 2010

  • Once you get the Xbox faults RROD error, many Xbox users tend toturn to contact theMicrosoft technical support or look for an Xbox repair center on the web, however you CAN fix your Xbox 360 yourself, with the assistance of this easy to use guide. New Blogs and RSS Feeds 2010


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