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  • Nombreux sont le badauds qui passent leurs temps admirer les pylônes qui poussent depuis peu sur les routes de la capitale touristique.

    Global Voices in English » DRC: Goma’s Makeover for Independence Day 2009

  • • Première destination touristique d'Afrique et l'une des dix premières du monde !

    Archive 2010-07-01 Rene Meertens 2010

  • Précision touristique supplémentaire: Ax demeure sous la coupe d'un des derniers représentants d'une race en voie disparition: l'ultra-socialiste radical Bonrepaux.

    Ax-les-Thermes Etienne 2008

  • I tried not to let my head swing from side to side at the spectacular décor so as not to seem touristique, but it was stunning: long red roses in the middle of each table, stainless-steel floors, and huge white leather chairs.

    The Little Lady Agency and the Prince Hester Browne 2008

  • I tried not to let my head swing from side to side at the spectacular décor so as not to seem touristique, but it was stunning: long red roses in the middle of each table, stainless-steel floors, and huge white leather chairs.

    The Little Lady Agency and the Prince Hester Browne 2008

  • Guide touristique du Parc National du Niokolo-Koba.

    Niokolo-Koba National Park, Senegal 2008

  • I tried not to let my head swing from side to side at the spectacular décor so as not to seem touristique, but it was stunning: long red roses in the middle of each table, stainless-steel floors, and huge white leather chairs.

    The Little Lady Agency and the Prince Hester Browne 2008

  • I couldn't help but wonder what the square would look like during "la saison touristique."

    ténébreux - French Word-A-Day 2004

  • I couldn't help but wonder what the square would look like during "la saison touristique."

    French Word-A-Day: 2004

  • I couldn't help but wonder what the square would look like during "la saison touristique."

    French Word-A-Day: 2004


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