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  • And here we have a striking example of "townplanning" on definite lines.

    Old Toronto 1925

  • The TMC's proposed rates increases follow its attempt to annex townplanning powers exclusively to itself.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1996

  • Ms Younge was also the city council's deputy director of townplanning.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1992

  • Women can achieve real leadership in educational policy; they can raise the standards of our schools, secure reforms in politics, participate in townplanning in short, bring about a newer and better social order.

    Homemaking and Careers 1969

  • Women can achieve real leadership in educational policy; they can raise the standards of our schools, secure reforms in politics, participate in townplanning in short, bring about a newer and better social order.

    Homemaking and Careers 1926


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