
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun In petrography, a prefix used with the name of a rock to form the name of an intermediate variety between trachyte and the rock named: as, trachyandesite, a lava intermediate in composition between traehyte and andesite; trachydolerite, a lava between trachyte and basalt, or having minerals characteristic of both rocks, basic plagioclase, orthoclase, pyroxene, and olivin. Trachyrhyolite is a lava intermediate between trachyte and rhyolite.


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  • I have a lad of 24 with both eyes destroyed by a bullet, and there is a bad "trachy."

    Diary of a Nursing Sister on the Western Front, 1914-1915 Anonymous

  •  A tube (endotracheal tube) is inserted in the patient's nose, mouth or through a trachy tube into the lungs, (this process is called intubation) and is hooked up to the ventilator.

    Recently Uploaded Slideshows 2008

  • "Nobody can really say how long he'll need the ` trachy ', maybe 12 months, maybe less, maybe more,' 'Ms Jackson said.

    The Advertiser 2008


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