
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Without traditions.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

tradition +‎ -less


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  • It's not necessary or desirable for all ethnic groups in America to assimilate into one traditionless mass.

    Getting To Know About You And Me 2008

  • Rootless, restless, traditionless, it is constantly on the move, knowing neither whither nor why.

    Dictionary of the History of Ideas FREDERICK M. BARNARD 1968

  • San Francisco was full of these forced blooms consumed and withered by the sudden heat of a free and traditionless life.

    The Blood Red Dawn Charles Caldwell Dobie 1912

  • States of America as being for the most part peasants de-peasant-ised and common people cut off from their own social traditions, I do not intend to convey that the American community is as a whole traditionless.

    An Englishman Looks at the World 1906

  • You have a terrific personality and if you were at your maturity in this traditionless era you'd be a great national figure, not a mere social power.

    Black Oxen Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton 1902

  • This book would depict the modern city in the making: the strenuous strugglings of traditionless millions; the rising of new powers, the intrusion of new factors; the hardy scorn of precedent, the decisive trampling upon conventions; the fight under new conditions for new objects and purposes, the plunging forward over a novel road toward some no less novel goal; the general clash of ill-defined, half-formulated forces.

    Under the Skylights Henry Blake Fuller 1893

  • Seeking, in her ignorance, a better side to that life, she listened with avidity to the old woman's tales of the departed glories of the Rajahs, from whose race she had sprung, and she became gradually more indifferent, more contemptuous of the white side of her descent represented by a feeble and traditionless father.

    Almayer's Folly: a story of an Eastern river Joseph Conrad 1890

  • Quebec -- these are mushroom growths, creations of yesterday, traditionless, without a legend and without a fame, beside this harbor of Tadousac, whose history, along a thin but strong cord of sequence, can be traced backward for a thousand years, and whose connection with

    Buchanan's Journal of Man, January 1888 Volume 1, Number 12 1856

  • Ha! As much as we hate to say it, this is precisely the sort of bad press that these mediocrity-perpetuating, ticket price-raising, traditionless athleticrats deserve.

    FITSNews 2009

  • (in these socialistic, traditionless times) do not yet discover how comfortable, for hedonistic ends, their sons and daughters still may be without respectability and reputability.

    Pirate Gold Frederic Jesup Stimson 1899


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