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  • If any of the two leading political parties (ODM and PNU) could put ethnicity aside in 2012, then form an alliance with ODM-K (assuming the party nominates Pogs) and all rally behind Poghisio's run for presidency (like they did Kibaki's), then Kenyans can begin to boast to belong to the same league of 'tribeless' societies like Tanzania.

    You Missed This 2008

  • Tribal life is harsh, but far worse is that of the tribeless wanderers, in twos and threes dotted around the landscape, they must be constantly wary.

    24 « April « 2008 « I Can’t Stop Reading! 2008

  • Tribal life is harsh, but far worse is that of the tribeless wanderers, in twos and threes dotted around the landscape, they must be constantly wary.

    April « 2008 « I Can’t Stop Reading! 2008

  • Tribal life is harsh, but far worse is that of the tribeless wanderers, in twos and threes dotted around the landscape, they must be constantly wary.

    Wolf of the Plains by Conn Iggulden « I Can’t Stop Reading! 2008

  • Hour declares: The loathsome mask has fallen, the man remains/Equal, unclassed, tribeless and nationless ...

    'An assiduous frequenter of the Italian opera': Shelley’s Prometheus Unbound and the opera buffa 2005

  • The almost constant torment to which Edgar is subjected at “Willie Sherman” shapes his lonely, tribeless adolescence.

    The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint 2006

  • The almost constant torment to which Edgar is subjected at “Willie Sherman” shapes his lonely, tribeless adolescence.

    Archive 2006-09-01 2006

  • It is chiefly expressed in negatives: there will be no priests, no kings, no marriage, no war, no cruelty -- man will be "tribeless and nationless."

    Shelley Sydney Waterlow 1911

  • Parson Amen pausing a moment to take breath, Ungque, who detected the wavering of Peter's mind, and who acted far more in opposition to the mysterious and tribeless chief than from any other motive, profited by the occasion thus afforded to speak.

    Oak Openings James Fenimore Cooper 1820

  • "What does my brother, the tribeless chief, say?" he asked, looking at Peter, in a way to denote the expectation which all felt, that he ought to be able to give useful counsel in such a strait.

    Oak Openings James Fenimore Cooper 1820


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