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  • But as a hunter we need to ward that triggerfinger doubly closely after hearing of such an event ..

    Are Hunting Accidents Crimes? 2009

  • It was there all along folks, you just had to listen carefully and do your research, not just listen to soundbytes that the left leaning mainstream media elite wanted you to hear. triggerfinger

    State of the Union: Powell 'concerned' about Obama's agenda 2009

  • WE r the keeper of our triggerfinger and might just have a split second to decide weather we shoot or not and sometimes we loose prey cos we ainth totally sure and that we have to respect ..

    Are Hunting Accidents Crimes? 2009

  • WE r the keeper of our triggerfinger and might just have a split second to decide weather we shoot or not and sometimes we loose prey cos we ainth totally sure and that we have to respect ..

    Are Hunting Accidents Crimes? 2009

  • Great shot and bless that man's eye and triggerfinger!

    Video: Hunter Shoots Rack to Unlock Bucks 2009

  • But as a hunter we need to ward that triggerfinger doubly closely after hearing of such an event ..

    Are Hunting Accidents Crimes? 2009

  • Great shot and bless that man's eye and triggerfinger!

    Video: Hunter Shoots Rack to Unlock Bucks 2009

  • Asmussen: If we are to release chopped out God of War III portion as DLC, it'll be for free triggerfinger 2010-03-18 22: 29

    QJ.NET Mabie A. 2010

  • Some people may have to work harder than others, a lot harder, but it is always possible. triggerfinger 2010-01-16 12: 02

    Nintendo DS 2010

  • Some people may have to work harder than others, a lot harder, but it is always possible. triggerfinger 2010-01-16 12: 02

    Nintendo DS 2010


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