
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun The practice of engaging in three-party relations, agreements, or negotiations.
  • noun The political and economic policy of encouraging friendly relations among three nations or regions, especially the United States, Western Europe, and Japan, or North America, Europe, and the Pacific Rim.


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  • Topics to be embraced within the LRHQ range from global warming to keynesianism, and from trilateralism to godless bolshevism, and the more irrelevant the issue to which you can attach the LRHQ, the less of it there will be left for the public to give credit any real, actually existing conspiracies.

    the libertarian right hoax quotient 2008

  • Topics to be embraced within the LRHQ range from global warming to keynesianism, and from trilateralism to godless bolshevism, and the more irrelevant the issue to which you can attach the LRHQ, the less of it there will be left for the public to give credit any real, actually existing conspiracies.

    21 « October « 2008 « Niqnaq 2008

  • The report called for Canada to pursue a NAFTA policy of trilateralism when necessary, but on certain matters, Canada-U.S. bilateralism should be the priority.

    The SPP: Three's Company or Three's a Crowd? 2009

  • Some would like to see more focus placed on Canada-U.S. bilateralism while others believe that trilateralism should always be the way to go.

    The SPP: Three's Company or Three's a Crowd? 2009

  • Some would like to see more focus placed on Canada-U.S. bilateralism while others believe that trilateralism should always be the way to go.

    The SPP: Three's Company or Three's a Crowd? 2009

  • According to the report, Canada should pursue a NAFTA policy of trilateralism when necessary, but on certain matters, Canada-U.S. bilateralism should be a priority.

    Deeper North American Integration Still in the Cards 2009

  • New challenges require new thinking, and a new trilateralism in East Asia, more than any other path, will reduce misunderstanding among friends and rivals alike.

    Time for Trilateralism 2008

  • The EU-3 themselves knew they were not ready for prime time, as Schaeffer tried to joke lamely about “the virtues of trilateralism.”

    Surrender is not an Option John Bolton 2007

  • The EU-3 themselves knew they were not ready for prime time, as Schaeffer tried to joke lamely about “the virtues of trilateralism.”

    Surrender is not an Option John Bolton 2007

  • The EU-3 themselves knew they were not ready for prime time, as Schaeffer tried to joke lamely about “the virtues of trilateralism.”

    Surrender is not an Option John Bolton 2007


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