
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Resembling a trough.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

trough +‎ -like


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  • Abe and Carmine watched Patrick gather the little boy up tenderly, put him into the towel-lined cavity of a bag, then hurry him away on what looked to the curious like a flat, empty gurney; it had a troughlike bottom that did not betray the presence of a small body.

    TOO MANY MURDERS Colleen McCullough 2009

  • Certain he was on the right trail, the Spartan crossed the troughlike depression that split the room in two, and was forced to step over and around a scattering of Covenant corpses as he approached the hatch.

    The Flood Dietz, William 2003

  • There was a long troughlike bed stretching out at their feet; this had served as the bed for the servants' children.

    The Cry of the Onlies Judy Klass 2000

  • There was a long troughlike bed stretching out at their feet; this had served as the bed for the servants' children.

    The Cry of the Onlies Judy Klass 2000

  • There was a long troughlike bed stretching out at their feet; this had served as the bed for the servants' children.

    The Cry of the Onlies Judy Klass 2000

  • Toiling through sand ankle-deep, the traveler plods across the edge of the plains, through troughlike valleys, and up the wooded slope of the Mesa de los Jumanos.

    The Round-Up A romance of Arizona novelized from Edmund Day's melodrama Edmund Day 1894

  • They counted on much better going in the flat valley of the Athabasca than they had had in crossing the country back of them, broken as it had been with many little waterways and by the deep, troughlike valleys of the bolder streams making northward into the Athabasca.

    The Young Alaskans in the Rockies Emerson Hough 1890

  • The smoke of their camp fire drifted down the troughlike valley from their encampment.

    The Young Alaskans on the Missouri Emerson Hough 1890

  • After an hour of sharpish work among slaty shelves and threatening crags, we got into one of those troughlike hollows hung on each side with precipices, which look as if the earth had sunk for the sake of letting the water through.

    George Bowring - A Tale Of Cader Idris From "Slain By The Doones" By R. D. Blackmore 1862

  • Tim Rowan' s "Untitled," a troughlike form resting on a metal stand, looks just like what it is: earth.

    NYT > Home Page By SUSAN HODARA 2010


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