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  • Since the doctor advised that Pearlie and Moe “move seashore” she invariably relates this phrase minus a preposition because the fresh ocean air would do my mother good, they sold their twofamily home in Bensonhurst and headed to a Brighton Beach apartment.

    Tessie and Pearlie JOY HOROWITZ 1996

  • Other residential blocks of Woodside, previously undefined but mainly detached or semi-attached one - and twofamily houses, would achieve R4-1 status, which would establish FAR .9, including increases of 20 percent in FAR for attic allowance.

    Queens Gazette 2010

  • In the next few months, the Ames City Council will explore whether or not to require the installation of fire sprinklers in new one-family and twofamily homes.

    Iowa State Daily 2009


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