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  • Some light, twowheeled carriages passed, drawn by tharlarion.

    Fighting Slave Of Gor Norman, John, 1931- 1980

  • There was a big empty twowheeled cart, the shafts tipped high up in the rain.

    A Farewell To Arms Hemingway, Ernest, 1899-1961 1929

  • Then came the first smiles of the warm roseate sun, and from the high suspended balcony, a broad vista unfolded itself: Vesuvius, wrapped to its base in radiant morning vapors; the pearly ripple, touched to silver, of the bay, the delicate outline of Capri on the skyline; tiny asses dragging twowheeled buggies along the soft, sticky embankment, and detachments of little soldiers marching somewhere to the tune of cheerful and defiant music.

    The Gentleman from San Francisco 1918


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