
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb Present participle of unbraid.


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  • Malignant growth and normal growth are so genetically intertwined that unbraiding the two might be one of the most significant scientific challenges faced by our species.

    The Emperor of All Maladies Siddhartha Mukherjee 2010

  • “Like I have a really lame superpower,” Lily said, unbraiding the flower stems.

    Enchanted Ivy Sarah Beth Durst 2010

  • “Like I have a really lame superpower,” Lily said, unbraiding the flower stems.

    Enchanted Ivy Sarah Beth Durst 2010

  • The unbraiding strands conceal a subtle threat, risking our ancestors, our future, on the rocks below.

    The History of Strands 2010

  • “Like I have a really lame superpower,” Lily said, unbraiding the flower stems.

    Enchanted Ivy Sarah Beth Durst 2010

  • Malignant growth and normal growth are so genetically intertwined that unbraiding the two might be one of the most significant scientific challenges faced by our species.

    The Emperor of All Maladies Siddhartha Mukherjee 2010

  • Malignant growth and normal growth are so genetically intertwined that unbraiding the two might be one of the most significant scientific challenges faced by our species.

    The Emperor of All Maladies Siddhartha Mukherjee 2010

  • After hed stripped her completely, he began unbraiding her plaits.

    Kiss of a Demon King Kresley Cole 2009

  • After hed stripped her completely, he began unbraiding her plaits.

    Kiss of a Demon King Kresley Cole 2009

  • After hed stripped her completely, he began unbraiding her plaits.

    Kiss of a Demon King Kresley Cole 2009


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