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  • Freud revealed in their twenty-three and a half minute session together that Aorta - due to a previously unconscious childhood trauma where she had discovered the undergardener and the upstairs maid secretly oiling her father's stapling machine together - could achieve orgasm with a man only if he smelt faintly of oil.

    Trilobite Hatstand – Revolutionary Poet, Playwright And Arc-Welder David Hadley 2009

  • Freud revealed in their twenty-three and a half minute session together that Aorta - due to a previously unconscious childhood trauma where she had discovered the undergardener and the upstairs maid secretly oiling her father's stapling machine together - could achieve orgasm with a man only if he smelt faintly of oil.

    Archive 2009-05-01 David Hadley 2009

  • Every servant from Rutland Park, she would swear, from the butler on down to the lowliest undergardener, was out on the terrace.

    One Night for Love Balogh, Mary 1999

  • And a few minutes before the hour of arrival, the gardener and the undergardener and the stableman and their wives came in, breathless with importance; Chloe, the old colored cook, appeared in a brand new turban and 'kerchief.

    Red-Robin Jane Abbott

  • So Harkness 'reception line broke up; the gardener and the undergardener and their wives following Mrs. Budge's stiff back out through the service door while Harkness led Robin and her new guardian up the broad stairway.

    Red-Robin Jane Abbott

  • He was not to be daunted, however; there were the gardener and the undergardener and the chauffeur and the stableman and they had wives who might be induced to put on their Sunday clothes and join in the ceremonial -- all in all, they could make a fair showing.

    Red-Robin Jane Abbott

  • Feeling much better afterwards, rang for Mrs H and told her merely to give K a leave of absence and discharge only the guilty undergardener.

    Greener Than You Think Ward Moore 1940

  • Mrs H very tart, said in normal times she was perfectly capable of handling the situation, but with everything going to pieces she didnt know whether to turn off K or the undergardener, or both, or neither.

    Greener Than You Think Ward Moore 1940

  • But in spite of the confusion caused by such a multiplicity of menials, I one day noticed an undergardener whose face was tantalizingly familiar.

    Greener Than You Think Ward Moore 1940

  • Came home to be annoyed by Mrs H telling me K, one of the housemaids, had been got into trouble by an undergardener.

    Greener Than You Think Ward Moore 1940


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