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  • The unesteemed Senator from Idaho is giving cognitive dissonance a bad name:

    Breaking: GOP Senate Leader McConnell Says Craig Won't Resign If Cleared 2009

  • In addition, counseling could help peers increase their acceptance of expert but unesteemed members.

    The Bass Handbook of Leadership Bernard M. Bass 2008

  • In addition, counseling could help peers increase their acceptance of expert but unesteemed members.

    The Bass Handbook of Leadership Bernard M. Bass 2008

  • Or, seeing some unesteemed commodity that had got out of, or had never been brought into, its best form, time, or place, he knew at sight just how, and at what expense, to bring it there, and brought it.

    Bonaventure A Prose Pastoral of Acadian Louisiana George Washington Cable 1884

  • I am now rich, honoured, high in the favour of courts, and not altogether unknown or unesteemed arbitrio popularis aurae: and yet I almost think I was happier when, in that flush of youth and inexperience, I looked forth into the wide world, and imagined that from every corner would spring up a triumph for my vanity or an object for my affections.

    The Disowned — Complete Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton 1838

  • I am now rich, honoured, high in the favour of courts, and not altogether unknown or unesteemed arbitrio popularis aurae: and yet I almost think I was happier when, in that flush of youth and inexperience, I looked forth into the wide world, and imagined that from every corner would spring up a triumph for my vanity or an object for my affections.

    The Disowned — Volume 06 Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton 1838

  • The World Conservation Union (WCU) lists the world's 100 worst of these destructive pests and cane toads have the dubious honor of being the unofficial poster child for the list and one of only three amphibians held in this unesteemed company. News 2009

  • The World Conservation Union (WCU) lists the world's 100 worst of these destructive pests and cane toads have the dubious honor of being the unofficial poster child for the list and one of only three amphibians held in this unesteemed company. News 2009


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