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  • It was such a wild concept, since every day I engaged in a loathable compulsion that “proved” my unlovableness.

    The Truth About Beauty Kat James 2007

  • It was such a wild concept, since every day I engaged in a loathable compulsion that “proved” my unlovableness.

    The Truth About Beauty Kat James 2007

  • She forgot his ill temper, his unlovableness, his want of consideration for any one but himself, during the last wretched weeks of his sojourn among them, and saw him only as he had been upon that last night before his trial, heard always the great sob which had seemed to rend his chest as she had leant upon it.

    Mrs. Day's Daughters Mary E. Mann

  • Newcome the bad eminence of supreme unlovableness, even he loves his mother and Catharine, and, in his selfish way, loves them to the end.

    Emily Brontë 1900

  • Our inherent lovableness or unlovableness has nothing to do with us. stories: News 2010


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