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  • Is it an older model electronic ignition furnace or one with a v-belt to the motor?

    Furnace Kosmo 2008

  • In areas with no power supply the blower can be driven by a combustion engine and the auger in the hopper can either be connected to the engine by a v-belt or be driven manually.

    2. Kilns 1987

  • Their drive can be provided by either an electric motor, or via a pulley and v-belt from a separate diesel engine.

    Chapter 6 1983

  • In washing machines, the technology has been improved from the v-belt to the drum now mounted on the motor to cut out on noise and lower electricity consumption, Tiwari said.

    Analysis 2010

  • In washing machines, the technology has been improved from the v-belt to the drum now mounted on the motor to cut out on noise and lower electricity consumption, Tiwari said.

    Analysis 2010

  • Blade speed is geared-up 2.5 times with v-belt pulleys to make the generator spin faster. - Financial News 2010

  • Blade speed is geared-up 2.5 times with v-belt pulleys to make the generator spin faster. - Financial News 2010

  • In washing machines, the technology has been improved from the v-belt to the drum now mounted on the motor to cut out on noise and lower electricity consumption, Tiwari said.

    Analysis 2010

  • Wind Generator Plansred-up 2.5 times with v-belt pulleys ... - Financial News 2010

  • In washing machines, the technology has been improved from the v-belt to the drum now mounted on the motor to cut out on noise and lower electricity consumption, Tiwari said.

    Analysis 2010


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