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  • "We can't spark an organizing surge without changing the environment, so that workers see unions not as self-interested institutions but as vehicles through which they can collecti vely stand up for a more fair economy," the memo reads.

    Big Union to Step Up Recruiting Kris Maher 2011

  • With William's help, "I expect a Rettle vely soon: & that MD is vely werr, and so Nite de MD" became "I expect a letter very soon, and that my dears are very well, and so night dear my dears".

    Three-year-old helps translate Jonathan Swift's letters to his poo poo ppt 2011

  • Once our 2-year old daughter got past the initial confusion of the teacher speaking only Spanish, she was thoroughly engaged during the well structured and li vely session.

    Using Playtime to Make Your Baby Bilingual 2010

  • In the decades before 9/11 Western governments often turned a blind eye to Islamist agitation or, in a few cases, na vely nurtured the very people who today inspire or lead terrorist attacks in Pakistan, Yemen and other parts of the world even, as we were reminded by last week's attempted bombing in Times Square, in the U.S.

    The German Connection 2010

  • Through the use of carrot and stick, the agency will steer consumers to those financial products that it thinks best for them, whatever they na? vely think.

    Treating Financial Consumers as Consenting Adults Richard A. Posner 2009

  • LOL @ the ones complaining about grammar and correct spelling and ohh i didnt know when to stop reading because thier was not a full stop. hehe engrish vely gud haha werdnafaz on Oct 19, 2008

    Kevin Smith Headed to Outer Space for His Next Comedy « 2008

  • I can feed them and rift them up to check for eggs They live on top of house vely high vely smart I would fry THIS DAY, I

    Birds in Your Hands 2006

  • Scorthed taped 27 of my best frying birds to my body I use vely strong box tape with strong fibers 6 on each reg and 6 on each arm 6 on head and shoulders

    Birds in Your Hands 2006

  • “Div me dat bun,” said the little girl, “me vely hungy.”

    The Rose and the Ring 2006

  • Another killer for hire looks quite menacing, but when he speaks, the subtitles have him saying, "You will bling a vely high plice," followed by the young people repeating the phrase and mocking the thug's accent.

    Dining out - BatesLine 2005


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