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  • As an investor in the Nobili Terre vineyards, you are invited to particpate in such activities as the vendemmia or grape harvest, the wine-making, and the bottling and labeling.

    Roman Holidays: Adopt a Vine! at 2007

  • As an investor in the Nobili Terre vineyards, you are invited to particpate in such activities as the vendemmia or grape harvest, the wine-making, and the bottling and labeling.

    2007 November 27 archive at 2007

  • As an investor in the Nobili Terre vineyards, you are invited to particpate in such activities as the vendemmia or grape harvest, the wine-making, and the bottling and labeling.

    2007 November archive at 2007

  • Then came a merry, merry voice singing something about _la vendemmia_; and though Lucy had never learnt Italian, her wonderful dream knowledge made her sure that this meant the vintage, the grape - gathering.

    Little Lucy's Wonderful Globe Charlotte Mary Yonge 1862

  • It’s midday in Italy and at Cerreto, the vendemmia is in full force: workers gather the turning grapes and olives in the late afternoon sun.

    The Memory Palace Mira Bartók 2011

  • It’s midday in Italy and at Cerreto, the vendemmia is in full force: workers gather the turning grapes and olives in the late afternoon sun.

    The Memory Palace Mira Bartók 2011

  • 'tis the _vendemmia_! all may eat grapes; as much as they will.

    Little Lucy's Wonderful Globe Charlotte Mary Yonge 1862


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