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  • If they are not properly veted then there is a problem with the veting process.

    Clinton again rips into vetting process 2009

  • McCain has the resources to have veted these individuals and made a decision that their stance would be controversal.

    McCain rejects endorsement of a second controversial pastor 2008

  • Perhaps we are the problem who continue to vote for candidates for public office who have been veted and supported by those very evil corporations you are discussing.

    The Most Evil Corporations, Industries and Orgs 2009

  • I know what the Republicans do, as we all do, even the Truthful Clinton supporters know this, so now I have established that stance, how does her argument that she is veted, and Obama didnt come close to doing the things I thought he should have as far as exposing her, her argument that she is stronger in the general makes no sense ...

    Obama Nabs Another Super-Delegate 2009

  • That's where ordinary concerned citizens struggle when pitted against those with tremendous veted interests (read: lobbyists).

    Daily Digest: Questioning the Marching-Orders Construct 2008

  • If not the Superdelegates could use Popular votes as another criteria, the most veted as a criteria, the most electable as a criteria.

    Reid to Worrying Democrats: ‘Cool It.’ - The Caucus Blog - 2008

  • That's where ordinary concerned citizens struggle when pitted against those with tremendous veted interests (read: lobbyists).

    Daily Digest: Questioning the Marching-Orders Construct Scola, Nancy 2008

  • John Kerry, for example, made an important point of his Vietnam service and so having that veted by these 527 groups or George Bush himself is important and so far, it looks like Kerry's telling the truth or as best as best as people can tell, but the bottom line is people are raising doubts and that's legislate.

    CNN Transcript Aug 30, 2004 2004

  • Dan is also the narrator of a new CD of historic radio broadcasts accompanying a new book, "World War II on the Air: Edward R. Murrow and the Broadcasts That R.veted a Nation."

    CNN Transcript Jun 12, 2003 2003

  • Van Jones has a felony and was not properly veted when he has a felony, is a communist, acts like a grandiose nut job and he is black. Main RSS Feed Devona Walker, The Loop 2009


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