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  • There was also an antique shop next door, where a rummage unearthed the textile part of my wish list - several square metres of psychedelic "violetta" fabric from Sellgren for €25.

    The Guardian World News Norman Miller 2010

  • Current Music: crown me king feat. darling violetta- "catgut concerto"7 gunslingers | crown me king

    mordicai: crown me king! mordicai 2003

  • In one city, perfumers sell more of lily of the valley than any other scent; in another vera violetta leads the van; in a third it is frangipane or white rose.

    Janey Canuck in the West Emily Ferguson 1910

  • If distinctive colouring or sonority were required, the composer used flutes, horns, harps, and trumpets, while to gain an effect of a special nature, he would call in the assistance of lutes and mandolins, or archaic instruments such as the viola da gamba, violetta marina, cornetto and theorbo.

    The Opera A Sketch of the Development of Opera. With full Descriptions of all Works in the Modern Repertory. J. A. [Commentator] Fuller-Maitland 1892

  • Whether it's known as a pansy, viola or even violetta, flowering plants in the Viola genus are classic cool-season annuals; plants that can tolerate light frosts and continue blooming until summertime heat draws the curtain on their charming springtime show. > News 2009

  • Whether it's known as a pansy, viola or even violetta, flowering plants in the Viola genus are classic cool-season annuals; plants that can tolerate light frosts and continue blooming until summertime heat draws the curtain on their charming springtime show. > News 2009

  • "auntie rene, come help me it'll be me an violetta. i kkkkknow i've misssed the point of this but. but this this this this this this this (sic)"

    Fametastic Fametastic 2010


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