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  • Considering she had done a horrible job, I still didn't tip her, but I did find out that tipping helpers at a vivero is customary (?) and appreciated (!!).

    Tipping 2007

  • La Granja, also known as a vivero, started the day with more than 200 turkeys.

    The Full Feed from The Huffington Post News Editors 2011

  • We worked in a vivero (tree nursery), taught workshops on composting and recycling to 11th and 12th graders at a local colegio (high school), visited the municipal landfill/dump and a slaughterhouse that provides over 30% of the pork for all of the city of Cochabamba.

    Tech Weekend, etc. « Wanderings 2008

  • A woman at a vivero was very demanding when I didn't tip her for waiting on me.

    Tipping 2007

  • When I go to my favorite vivero, I don't know what to do about tipping the older women who help me.

    Tipping 2007

  • Im looking up characteristics of different tree species that grow in Charagua for a different, bigger, and better vivero.

    Archive 2008-06-01 Gina 2008

  • I have to start writing up a proposal for the mayor to buy the seeds and materials for the new vivero, and on the 21st i have to give a big charla to some farmers and kids in some small community down south somewhere. its really exciting!

    Archive 2008-06-01 Gina 2008

  • I have to start writing up a proposal for the mayor to buy the seeds and materials for the new vivero, and on the 21st i have to give a big charla to some farmers and kids in some small community down south somewhere. its really exciting!

    Adventures in Bolivia Gina 2008

  • I stayed there six years ago, when it was Campo des Artistes, and no one seemed to know what had become of it, but I bumped into the owner the other day (at a vivero in La Penita!) and it hasn't disappeared, just changed names.

    Need Info - First trip to Jaltemba Bay area 2006

  • I stayed there six years ago, when it was Campo des Artistes, and no one seemed to know what had become of it, but I bumped into the owner the other day (at a vivero in La Penita!) and it hasn't disappeared, just changed names.

    Need Info - First trip to Jaltemba Bay area 2006


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