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  • The genius of Chavez is that for the first time ever someone is able to tie together these four groups, and even to manage to increase them through his rhetoric: "come flores" find it normal that Chavez gives money away to poor people elsewhere even if we have boatloads of poor people at home; " resentidos sociales" do not mind giving oil to Boston because it pisses off the US establishment; "vivos" think that they might get a contract to transfer the goods that Chavez is giving away and "flojos" could not care less as long as they keep receiving their dues.

    The Venezuelan election of 2006: the mysterious chavista voter 2006

  • The genius of Chavez is that for the first time ever someone is able to tie together these four groups, and even to manage to increase them through his rhetoric: "come flores" find it normal that Chavez gives money away to poor people elsewhere even if we have boatloads of poor people at home; " resentidos sociales" do not mind giving oil to Boston because it pisses off the US establishment; "vivos" think that they might get a contract to transfer the goods that Chavez is giving away and "flojos" could not care less as long as they keep receiving their dues.

    12/03/2006 - 12/10/2006 2006

  • Muy linda la luminiria birds, me encanto los colores vivos.

    New Lighting from Yellow Goat Design 2009

  • Estilos de cocinas hay muchos, aveces lo que los hace inconfundibles es el color, hay cantidad de combinaciones de colores, algunos de ellos vivos y atrevidos, otros más clásicos.

    Kitchen Design 2009

  • Doctrine of tax law under which the basis (value at acquisition for income tax purposes) of property given during the donor's life (an inter vivos gift) of the recipient will be the donor's original acquisition price (less reductions already realized by the donor).

    Define That Term #208 2009

  • A few days later it came out that he had an intra vivos trust that took care of matters quite competently, making a more elaborate will unnecesssary.

    The Volokh Conspiracy » “No Case Citations in Florida Health Care Lawsuit” 2010

  • Mitsubishi sueña con el auto futurista MMR2: lo veremos en 2025 si es que seguimos vivos | Tecmondo

    You don’t climb into a MMR25 to be a driver… » Yanko Design 2008

  • A few days later it came out that he had an intra vivos trust that took care of matters quite competently, making a more elaborate will unnecesssary.yankevQuote

    The Volokh Conspiracy » “No Case Citations in Florida Health Care Lawsuit” 2010

  • En los escalones intermedios se ubican las distintas comidas y bebidas que al difunto le gustaban y en el nivel más bajo un camino de flores que parte de la casa con dirección a la calle; con el fin de indicarle al muerto el camino que debe de seguir para poder llegar con sus familiares vivos.

    D��a de Muertos en Carrizal « Interactive Dig El Carrizal – Rescuing a Mesoamerican Site 2009

  • La celebración del Día de Muertos es muy importante para los habitantes de El Carrizal y Ejidos vecinos, pues se brinda la oportunidad de celebrar una fiesta en la que participan tanto los vivos como los familiares muertos en años pasados.

    D��a de Muertos en Carrizal « Interactive Dig El Carrizal – Rescuing a Mesoamerican Site 2009


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