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  • A la suite des observations qu'il formula au sujet de cette pièce lors de son retour en Russie, le mot “hooligan” entra dans le vocabulaire de la langue russe, dans lequel il est encore utilisé – de même qu'en anglais – pour désigner un vandale ou un jeune voyou.

    Archive 2010-05-01 Rene Meertens 2010

  • A very impertinent, common-looking _voyou_ said, on looking at Mr. Washburn's card, "Vous êtes tous très chic ... mais vous ne passerez pas, tout de même."

    In the Courts of Memory, 1858 1875; from Contemporary Letters 1886

  • My favorite thing in the world is for someone to question my intelligence while failing to recognize the different between your and you're. vero_voyou-I dont know much about house plants with brains, but you are correct in your thinking aabout President Obama being blamed for everything from the weather to potholes. Stories 2010

  • Le banquier voyou: taxe sur les transactions financières - Articles related to Régulation des marchés financiers: Merkel et Sarkozy veulent "accélérer" 2010

  • Le banquier voyou: taxe sur les transactions financières - Articles related to Régulation des marchés financiers: Merkel et Sarkozy veulent "accélérer" 2010

  • My favorite thing in the world is for someone to question my intelligence while failing to recognize the different between your and you're. vero_voyou-I dont know much about house plants with brains, but you are correct in your thinking aabout President Obama being blamed for everything from the weather to potholes. Stories 2010

  • The experience is a little overwhelming in the standard browser. voyou says: October 08, 13h

    Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz 2008

  • As his own spokesman Axel Poniatowski has made clear on his behalf, there is no other choice for the Irish but to hold a second referendum and, regardless of EU and French protestations to the contrary and regardless of whatever emollient nonsense Sarkozy utters in public, behind the scenes Brian Cowen will indeed have to put up with some serious pressure from this angry voyou from Paris to get it right in a second vote and to hold that vote sooner rather than later.

    Sarkozy Puts On The Bovver Boots 2008

  • As his own spokesman Axel Poniatowski has made clear on his behalf, there is no other choice for the Irish but to hold a second referendum and, regardless of EU and French protestations to the contrary and regardless of whatever emollient nonsense Sarkozy utters in public, behind the scenes Brian Cowen will indeed have to put up with some serious pressure from this angry voyou from Paris to get it right in a second vote and to hold that vote sooner rather than later.

    Archive 2008-06-29 2008

  • "I am a _voyou_; there is nothing in English low enough.

    The Happy End Joseph Hergesheimer 1917


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