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  • I find myself watching highlander on hulu (FUOT is still the shit after all these years, I will go to the mat for this as I believe it), and seized with a sudden desire to read the autobiography of diana vreeland. tags: this is not a hair post mood: amused

    pain d’épices de la St Nicolas. spnroundtable 2009

  • "zone_info": "huffpost. impact/blog; impact = 1; living = 1; world = 1; nickname = alexander-vreeland; entry_id = 349590; elizabeth-glaser-pediatric-aids-foundation = 1; hivaids = 1; hivaids-africa = 1; uganda = 1",

    Alexander Vreeland: At Kawolo Hospital 2009

  • I’m also a Skitch user, and would love to give LittleSnapper a try to see how it compares and contrasts, as I know what does and doesn’t work for me with Skitch. james vreeland said at 7pm on Nov 19th # |

    On invite-only betas | FactoryCity 2008

  • HPConfig. blog_id = 3; var ads_page_type = 'bpage'; var zone_info = "huffpost. impact/blog; impact = 1; living = 1; world = 1; nickname = alexander-vreeland; entry_id = 349590; elizabeth-glaser-pediatric-aids-foundation = 1; hivaids = 1; hivaids-africa = 1; uganda = 1"; if (top!

    Alexander Vreeland: At Kawolo Hospital 2009


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