
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun education A large informational chart, typically hung on the wall of a classroom


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

wall +‎ chart


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  • John O'Donnell, headteacher of the Radcliffe school in Milton Keynes, is pointing to a colour-coded wallchart on which the progress of this year's GCSE students is mapped.

    Mid-year admissions: When there's no place at a school near home 2011

  • Melissaria: I am so laughing at this and the wallchart idea is just brilliant.

    The Blogger's Strike Ms Robinson 2008

  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Tracking the Bailout: The Government\'s Commitment'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Finally, a wallchart of all the government\'s commitments (so far) to save our shaky financial system, suitable for framing, or for shaking our heads in disbelief over.

    OpEdNews - Quicklink: Tracking the Bailout: The Government's Commitment 2008

  • Finally, a wallchart of all the government's commitments (so far) to save our shaky financial system, suitable for framing, or for shaking our heads in disbelief over.

    OpEdNews - Quicklink: Tracking the Bailout: The Government's Commitment 2008

  • Watching TiVo'd David Attenborough huge birds, creeping birds, flesh-eating birds, endangered birds, prehistoric birds, and generally more birds than you could imagine sober, talking about Saturday night's events, admiring The Guardian's wallchart of the day -- apples -- and enjoying the new incipient paintings on the ceiling of Jrmy and Damian's tv room.

    Round to Jrmy's tonight jinty 2006

  • · If a poster, wallchart, packet instruction or booklet consists of a series of pictures, numbering the pictures may indicate to the villagers the order in which the pictures should be "read."

    Chapter 10 1985

  • Like Him, The Police never made a move without consulting the career plan wallchart.

    Synchronicity 1983

  • He dialed by feel, while gazing at the telltale wallchart.

    A Canticle for Leibowitz Miller, Walter M. 1959

  • It includes a free wallchart to help plan your summer.

    WalesOnline - Home 2011

  • Award Winning wallchart set gives you the chance to buy the best and most popular Wallcharts featured in The Guardian from 2008/10.

    Blogposts | Sarah Boseley 2010


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