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  • When she reached Akira Hall, she went down to the basement and found an empty wallscreen.

    Scott Westerfeld: Uglies Quartet Scott Westerfeld 2010

  • He flicked his hand again, and the wallscreen broke into a dozen panels.

    Scott Westerfeld: Uglies Quartet Scott Westerfeld 2010

  • But no one was out, the windows all glittering with wallscreen light even here.

    Scott Westerfeld: Uglies Quartet Scott Westerfeld 2010

  • Id kill for your wallscreen right now, Hiro, she said, her eyes suddenly itching for twenty feeds to follow the storys spread.

    Scott Westerfeld: Uglies Quartet Scott Westerfeld 2010

  • Rens fingers twitched and spun, and numbers began cascading across the wallscreen image of the cylinder.

    Scott Westerfeld: Uglies Quartet Scott Westerfeld 2010

  • On the other side of the room, a bunch of tech-heads had gathered at the mansions big public wallscreen, watching Ren demonstrate the grim math of ballistic weapons and collapsing buildings.

    Scott Westerfeld: Uglies Quartet Scott Westerfeld 2010

  • He swept his gaze around the apartmentthe huge wallscreen, the garlands of paper cranes, the floor-to-ceiling window with its slowly shifting view.

    Scott Westerfeld: Uglies Quartet Scott Westerfeld 2010

  • She looked at herself in the wallscreen, imagining her wolfen eyes made watery, her features ground down to averageness.

    Scott Westerfeld: Uglies Quartet Scott Westerfeld 2010

  • Dr. Cable pointed at the wallscreen, and an image appeared.

    Scott Westerfeld: Uglies Quartet Scott Westerfeld 2010

  • Hiro snorted, cut the connection with a snap of his fingers, and turned the giant wallscreen into a mirror.

    Scott Westerfeld: Uglies Quartet Scott Westerfeld 2010


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