
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun A chain attached to a watch.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

watch +‎ chain


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  • When leaving in the morning for the offices of the department store he owned—dressed in a three-piece European suit, with a traditional red felt tarboosh on his head and a gold watchchain stretched across his round belly—he looked both stern and self-satisfied.

    Apricots on the Nile Colette Rossant 2004

  • And putting on his stiff collar and rebellious tie he spoke to them, chiding them, and to his dangling watchchain.

    Ulysses 2003

  • So over she went and when he saw her coming she could see him take his hand out of his pocket, getting nervous, and beginning to play with his watchchain, looking up at the church.

    Ulysses 2003

  • The caretaker hung his thumbs in the loops of his gold watchchain and spoke in a discreet tone to their vacant smiles. —

    Ulysses 2003

  • Oil landscapes hung on the plaster walls, and a portrait of a somber physician in three-piece suit and watchchain was illuminated by a dim brass fixture.

    html Scottoline, Lisa 2001

  • A key from his watchchain unlocked it and, from the bundles of papers stuffed in pigeonholes, he pulled a photograph, which he passed over to the inspector.

    Frost at Christmas Wingfield, R. D. 1984

  • The gold watchchain that looped across his little belly wobbled with mirth.

    Lace Shirley Conran 1982

  • The gold watchchain that looped across his little belly wobbled with mirth.

    Lace Shirley Conran 1982

  • The gold watchchain that looped across his little belly wobbled with mirth.

    Lace Shirley Conran 1982

  • The gold watchchain that looped across his little belly wobbled with mirth.

    Lace Shirley Conran 1982


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