
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Alternative spelling of water clock.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

water +‎ clock


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  • He paced the floor himself, measuring out the proper length of time as dripped out by a waterclock, waiting for Court to get underway and all the participants to be in place.

    The White Gryphon Lackey, Mercedes 1995

  • The estate was very quiet, and even the sound of the waterclock was muffled, as if afraid to disturb her.

    Brothers Majere Stein, Kevin, 1954- 1989

  • The estate was very quiet, and even the sound of the waterclock was muffled, as if afraid to disturb her.

    Brothers Majere Stein, Kevin, 1954- 1989

  • The unseen waterclock that still ticked away the hours was the only sound in the house.

    Brothers Majere Stein, Kevin, 1954- 1989

  • The natural horizon was the only instrument of precision used by those who determined star positions by the directions of their risings and settings; while in those days the clepsydra, or waterclock, was the best instrument for comparing their times of rising and setting.

    History of Astronomy George Forbes 1892

  • "Leyuet says that he last heard from Skan at three on the waterclock, when he brought in another trespasser.

    The White Gryphon Lackey, Mercedes 1995


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