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  • BTW I've seen many brown watersnakes called cottonmouth moccasins there is a way to tell the harmless watersnake from the real deal.

    Puff This! 2008

  • Hard to say without having seen the original published description, but if the length is the primary characteristic, it's possible that it was an exaggerated misidentification of a native watersnake.

    Archive 2008-06-01 2008

  • Similarly, Egyptians appear to share the same creation tale as the Etruscans: the egg of Ra rising from the primordial waters envisioned as a watersnake called Nu.

    More about egg symbols in Etruria and the rest of the classical world 2009

  • Here's a robotic watersnake, to follow earlier news of a robotic koi swimming in the ponds of Hiroshima (video here).

    - Boing Boing 2006

  • As for the serpent its form is like that of the watersnake; and it has wings not feathered but most nearly resembling the wings of the bat.

    The History of Herodotus Herodotus 2003

  • The wind became liquid, then solid, darkening and coalescing until, to the hawk's acute eyes, it looked like a watersnake, glittering like crystal in the harsh sunlight, wrig-gling swiftly over the lakeside to the city waits, winding and thrashing across the steep, rocky incline.

    The Dark Queen Williams, Michael, 1952 Dec. 17- 1994

  • I've never seen a watersnake lay them, but since there's no other animal in or near the river large enough to lay the eggs, it seems logical that they're watersnake eggs.

    Speaker for the Dead Card, Orson Scott 1986

  • He bathed, splashed, and romped until his mother was almost crazy for fear he would attract a watersnake or turtle; but the element of fear was not a part of his disposition.

    The Song of the Cardinal 1915

  • As for the serpent its form is like that of the watersnake; and it has wings not feathered but most nearly resembling the wings of the bat.

    An Account of Egypt: Being the Second Book of His Histories Called Euterpe. Paras. 20-39 Herodotus 1909

  • He bathed, splashed, and romped until his mother was almost crazy for fear he would attract a watersnake or turtle; but the element of fear was not a part of his disposition.

    The Song of the Cardinal Gene Stratton-Porter 1893


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